The Girl’s guide to Vitamins at Every Age
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The plethora of vitamins on the market reads like the alphabet- literally from A- Zinc. Do we, as women need to guzzle 50 a day to be healthy? how do we make heads or tails from what the media tell us? and at what age do we need certain vitamins? Here’s your guide to vitamins at every age according to Dr. Christopher Calapai D.O. an nyc anti-aging physician who has been called, “The Stem Cell Guru.” Dr. Calapai has been testing vitamin levels throughout his career. Each of his patients receives a blood test to find out what they are deficient in.
In a perfect world, all of our nutrient needs would come from the best source: Food. however if your diet isn’t text book perfect then take your “nutritional insurance” a.k.a. a multivitamin, suggests Dr. Calapai. “Research shows taking a well-balanced multivitamin throughout your lifespan helps fill in nutritional gaps in your diet.”
In your 20s and 30s
• Calcium: These are the decades to bone up, as in, maintain your bone mass. Dr. Calapai recommends adults aged 19-50 years take 1,000 milligrams of calcium, daily. If you don’t receive enough calcium from your diet, you may need to take a supplement containing elemental calcium. Elemental calcium refers to the actual amount of calcium in a supplement that’s available for your body to absorb—the rest are compounds making up the supplement. but when supplementing your calcium, read the labels carefully, cautions Dr. Calapai . “For example, if you buy tablets such as calcium carbonate, each tablet contains 1,250 milligrams of calcium,” he says. “Unfortunately, only 500 milligrams is elemental calcium.”
• Vitamin D: The reason we’re severely lacking vitamin D nowadays, much more so than even our parents were, is because we’re missing out on the number-one source of vitamin D: The sun. “Vitamin D is a pro-hormone made in the skin upon exposure to sunlight, and production of it is rapid and robust,” Calapai says. “Within 10 to 20 minutes without wearing sunscreen, people make between 10,000 and 20,000 IU. but because of widespread sunscreen use, total sun avoidance, and our increasingly indoor lifestyles, our vitamin D levels have fallen drastically.” Dr. Calapai says, “Take at least 2,000 IU per day year-round. and although you technically don’t need to supplement on the days that you know you’ll be outside when the sun is high, it’s just easier to take it every day than to try to remember when and not to.”
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• Folic Acid: For women in their childbearing years, folic acid is recommended if you’re planning on conceiving anytime soon. “You should take it before you get pregnant to ensure your levels are high because low rates of folic acid can cause a number of birth defects,” says Dr. Calapai. “The recommended dosing of folic acid is 400 micrograms per day if you are age 14 or older.”
• Iron: Iron is another key consideration for menstruating women. “Iron deficiency commonly occurs in pregnant women, causing anemia, which can result in fatigue and weakness,” says Dr. Calapai . “Iron enables red blood cells to carry oxygen and deliver it to body cells.” If you’re pregnant and not getting your daily 27 mg. of iron from sources such as iron-fortified cereals and eggs, then look for it in a supplement containing 16 to 20 mg, or speak to your physician about iron supplementation specifically.
In your 40s
• Calcium: beginning at age 19 and continuing until age 50, women should consume 1,000 milligrams of calcium daily, according to the Institute of Medicine. This is also the recommended dietary allowance, or RDA, for women above age 19 who are pregnant or breast-feeding. once you turn 51, the RDA increases to 1,200 milligrams. As long as your daily diet provides enough calcium to meet your RDA, you probably don’t need a supplement unless it’s under the advice of your health care provider. *Note: never take more of a calcium supplement than is recommended. It could lead to kidney problems or renal failure.
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• Vitamin D: recommendations for vitamin D intake in your 20s and 30s (as explained above) still apply in your 40s. If you are unsure how much vitamin D you actually need, ask your doctor about taking a vitamin D test.
• Folic Acid: Pregnant? Up your daily intake of folic acid to 600 mcg.For at imødekomme dette behov skal kvinder fortsætte med at tage en multivitamin indeholdende 400 mcg folinsyre gennem hele deres graviditet.
• Jern: Som i 20’erne og 30’erne skal du sørge for at få 27 mg. af jern dagligt, hvis du er gravid, hvad enten det er gennem din diæt eller en kombination af diæt og kosttilskud. Ikke-gravide kvinder bør sigte mod 18 mg om dagen med jern.
I 50’erne
• Multivitamin: Det er tid til at skifte til multivitaminer designet til voksne 50 år og ældre, siger Dr. Calapai. ”Disse multivitaminer har markant mindre jern end multivitaminer for yngre kvinder, siger han. ”F.eks . ”
• Calcium: For kvinder over 50 år anbefaler Dr. Calapai at støde dit calciumindtag til 1.500 mg. daglige.
• Vitamin B12: ”Din vitamin B12 har brug for øges efter 50, fordi mave -tarmkanalen ikke absorberer vitamin B12 såvel som en yngre fordøjelseskanal,” siger Dr. Calapai. Han rådgiver dem, der er ældre end 50, får 2,4 mikrogram vitamin B12 dagligt, hovedsageligt ved at indtage fødevarer, der er befæstet med vitamin B12 eller et supplement, der indeholder vitamin B12.
I dine 60’ere
Mens de overordnede behov ligner dem i 50’erne, skal du kontrollere din multivitamin igen for at være sikker på, at det imødekommer alle dine næringsstofbehov, fordi nyere sundhedsmæssige problemer som øjenesundhed og hjertesygdom kan være manifesteret. ”Nogle multivitaminer indeholder nøgleantioxidanter såsom lutein, der kan beskytte mod aldersrelateret makuladegeneration og lycopen, hvilket kan hjælpe med at forhindre hjertesygdom,” siger Dr. Calapai.
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Dr. Christopher Calapai D.O.
Anti-aging læge og “stamcelle-guru”
Dr. Christopher Calapai, D.O. er en osteopatisk lægebræt, der er certificeret i familiemedicin, anti-aging medicin og chelationsterapi. Dr. Calapai er proklameret som “The Stem Cell Guru” af New York Daily News, og er førende inden for stamcelleterapi i USA
Hans stamcellebehandlinger har opnået bemærkelsesværdige resultater i kliniske forsøg på patienter med tilstande så forskellige som Alzheimers, arthritis, erektil dysfunktion, skrøbelige syndrom, hjerte, nyre og leversvigt, lupus, MS og Parkinson’s.
Dr. Calapai startede sin praksis i New York City i 1986, og i over 25 år har han været vært for nationalt syndikerede radioprogrammer, inklusive hans to ugentlige call-in-shows på WABC 770-AM, hvor han tilbyder sundhed og medicinsk rådgivning. Han har et show lørdag morgen kl. 8-9 og søndag aften fra kl. 18-7. Han har konsulteret adskillige højprofilerede individer, herunder Mike Tyson, Chris Noth, Mickey Rourke, Steven Seagal og Fox Series Gothams, Donal Logue og arbejdede som medicinsk konsulent for New York Rangers Hockey Team samt forskellige modelleringsbureauer.
Dr. Calapai modtog sin medicinske grad fra New York College of Osteopathic Medicine, og han konsulterer i Manhattan med praksis på Long Island i East Meadow og Plainview. Han har optrådt på News12 og på siderne i 25A Magazine og Social Life Magazine.
Han er forfatter til e-bøger tungmetaller og kronisk sygdom, omvendt diabetes for evigt! Syv trin til sundt blodsukker, top ti kosttilskud, som du ikke kan leve uden, og herlig glutathion. Lær mere om Dr. Calapai på hans hjemmeside,
Link til dette indlæg: pigens guide til vitaminer i alle alder
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